UX Designer, Maker and Food Devour-er from HK + MNL

Runner’s High App - 2020 Bose Challenge @ MIT Winner

Update: We won the 2020 Bose Challenge at MIT!

Role: User Experience designer and programmer

This project details our proposal Runner’s High, a application that helps runner’s maintain consistency in running pace and speed by using audio-reality. Simply put. when the runner is running too fast, the music sounds like it is coming from the runner’s back, and if they running too slow, the music will sound like its far ahead. When the runner is running at the right pace, the music will sound just right. The video below describes our design process and application.


News Article: https://arts.mit.edu/sound-and-technology/

Maintaining one’s pace is one of the most important aspects of both sprint and marathon running, in order to reduce injury, increase stamina and improve overall performance. For our submission to the 2020 Bose Challange at MIT, we posed the question:

“Could we use Bose’s augmented audio reality SDK and tools to help runner’s maintain and improve their pace while running?”

So my team at MIT consisting of Yasunori Toshimitsu (software engineer), and Jooyeon Lee (HCI researcher) built Runner’s high, a pace tracking application using spatial audio to inform runner’s whether they are running too slow or too fast. Check out the video below!